P3.express Online Manual: Learn and Master the Minimalist Project Management System

Looking for a simple yet effective project management system? Look no further than P3.express. Despite the existence of complex systems like PRINCE2® and the PMBOK® Guide, most projects are still managed intuitively, without a structured approach. P3.express aims to bridge this gap by offering a minimalist, easy-to-use, and easy-to-teach project management system. Utilizing cyclical activities and focused managerial groups, P3.express simplifies project management into monthly, weekly, and daily cycles. In addition, there are support documents and various roles to facilitate smooth project execution. If you’re interested in learning more about P3.express, there’s an online manual as well as an interactive eLearning course available. You can even become a certified P3.express Practitioner after taking the exam. Whether you’re a project manager looking for a practical system or a trainer wanting to teach P3.express, this minimalist approach to project management might just be the tool you’ve been searching for.

What is P3.express?

Description of P3.express

P3.express is a minimalist and practical project management system that offers a simple and user-friendly approach to managing projects. It is designed to be easy to learn, easy to use, and easy to teach. P3.express is open and free, with a Creative Commons license, allowing anyone to share and adapt its content for both commercial and non-commercial purposes.

Benefits of using P3.express

The main benefit of using P3.express is its simplicity. While there are existing fundamental project management systems like PRINCE2® and the PMBOK® Guide, many projects are still managed intuitively due to the complexity of these systems. P3.express fills this gap by providing a tool that is as simple to use as Excel, but more capable in managing projects effectively.

P3.express offers a cyclical system that simplifies and regularizes project management activities. It consists of monthly, weekly, and daily cycles, each focusing on a specific aspect of managerial activities. The system also includes a project initiation activity group at the beginning of a project, a project closure group at the end, and a post-project management group to evaluate the benefits after project completion. Additionally, there are four management documents and various roles to ensure smooth project management.

Why P3.express?

Limitations of existing project management systems

Existing project management systems such as PRINCE2® and the PMBOK® Guide, although highly valuable, are often too complex for most projects. Just as not everyone can use a programming language like Excel, not everyone has the expertise or resources to fully utilize these systems. As a result, many projects end up being managed intuitively without the support of a structured project management system.

Need for a simple and practical tool

The need for a simpler and more practical project management tool has become evident. P3.express fills this gap by providing a minimalist approach that is easy to understand and use. It offers a user-friendly interface and focuses on the essential elements of project management, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Comparison between P3.express and other systems

P3.express stands out from other project management systems due to its simplicity and practicality. While other systems may have more comprehensive features, P3.express offers a streamlined approach that is suitable for most projects. It provides the necessary tools and frameworks without overwhelming users with unnecessary complexity.

P3.express Online Manual: Learn and Master the Minimalist Project Management System

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How does P3.express work?

Overview of the cyclical system

P3.express operates on a cyclical system, which breaks down project management activities into manageable and regular cycles. These cycles include monthly, weekly, and daily cycles, each dedicated to specific aspects of project management.

Monthly, weekly, and daily cycles

The monthly cycle focuses on strategic and long-term planning, providing an overview of the project’s goals and objectives. It includes activities such as setting priorities, defining deliverables, and assigning resources.

The weekly cycle focuses on tactical planning and execution, allowing for more detailed planning and monitoring of project progress. It includes activities such as task assignment, progress tracking, and risk management.

The daily cycle focuses on operational tasks and coordination, ensuring the smooth execution of project activities. It includes activities such as daily meetings, task updates, and issue resolution.

Project initiation activity group

At the beginning of a project, there is a project initiation activity group. This group ensures that all necessary preparations are made before the project officially begins. It includes activities such as defining project objectives, identifying stakeholders, and establishing project governance.

Project closure group

At the end of a project, there is a project closure group. This group reviews the project’s achievements, identifies lessons learned, and ensures a smooth transition to post-project management. It includes activities such as conducting a project review, documenting lessons learned, and handing over deliverables.

Post-project management group

After the project is completed, there is a post-project management group. This group evaluates the benefits and outcomes of the project, ensuring that the intended benefits are realized and any remaining tasks are completed. It includes activities such as benefits realization, final reporting, and knowledge transfer.

Management documents and roles

In addition to the cyclical system, P3.express includes four management documents: the project initiation document, the weekly report, the project closure report, and the post-project management report. These documents provide a structured approach to project management and serve as a reference for all project stakeholders.

P3.express also defines various roles within the project, including the project manager, the sponsor, the team members, and other key roles. Each role has specific responsibilities and contributes to the overall success of the project.

Interactive eLearning course

Description of the eLearning course

To further support the learning and understanding of P3.express, an interactive eLearning course is available. This course allows users to engage with the system by role-playing as a project manager and making decisions based on different scenarios. By experiencing the outcomes of their decisions, users can learn valuable lessons about effective project management.

Role-playing as a project manager

The eLearning course puts users in the shoes of a project manager, allowing them to navigate through various project scenarios and make decisions that will impact the outcome. This interactive approach provides a hands-on learning experience and helps users develop their decision-making skills in a practical context.

Learning outcomes of decision-making

Through the eLearning course, users will gain a deeper understanding of the decision-making process in project management. They will learn how to evaluate risks, anticipate potential challenges, and make informed decisions to achieve project objectives. This practical knowledge can be applied to real-world projects, enhancing their project management skills.

P3.express Online Manual: Learn and Master the Minimalist Project Management System

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Get certified

Requirements for certification

Once users have learned P3.express through the manual and the eLearning course, they have the option to pursue certification as a P3.express Practitioner. The certification process focuses on the practical application of project management skills rather than the recall of theoretical information.

Focus on practical project management skills

The certification exam for P3.express Practitioner emphasizes the ability to effectively manage projects. It assesses candidates’ understanding of the P3.express methodology, their decision-making skills, and their ability to apply project management principles in real-world scenarios. By obtaining certification, individuals can validate their project management expertise and enhance their professional credibility.

Exam details

The P3.express Practitioner exam is designed to test candidates on their practical knowledge of project management. It consists of both multiple-choice and scenario-based questions, allowing candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the P3.express methodology in various contexts. The exam is administered online and can be taken at the convenience of the candidate.

Trainer resources and accreditation

Available resources for trainers

Trainers who wish to teach P3.express can access a range of resources to support their training programs. These resources include an instructor-led workshops guide, a standard slide deck, and other materials that can be adapted to meet the specific needs of trainers.

Accreditation process

Trainers can apply for accreditation to deliver P3.express training programs. The accreditation process ensures the quality of the training programs and the adherence to the P3.express methodology. Accreditation programs are free of charge and focus on equipping trainers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively deliver P3.express training.

Quality assurance of training programs

As part of the accreditation process, training programs undergo quality assurance measures to ensure that they align with the P3.express methodology and deliver valuable learning outcomes. This ensures that trainers are equipped with the necessary tools and resources to effectively teach P3.express to their trainees.

P3.express Online Manual: Learn and Master the Minimalist Project Management System

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Learn, contribute, or stay up to date

Options for learning P3.express

There are several options available for individuals who are interested in learning P3.express. They can access the online manual, which provides comprehensive documentation on the methodology and its implementation. Additionally, the interactive eLearning course offers an engaging learning experience that puts users in the role of a project manager.

Opportunities to contribute to the project

P3.express is an open community that welcomes contributions from individuals who are passionate about project management. Users can join the community and contribute their insights, experiences, and suggestions to help improve the P3.express methodology and its resources. By sharing their knowledge, users can contribute to the growth and development of the project.

Staying up to date with developments

To stay up to date with the latest developments in P3.express, users can subscribe to announcement emails or use a special feed reader application to subscribe to the RSS feed. These channels provide regular updates on new features, resources, and events related to P3.express, ensuring that users are informed about any advancements or changes in the methodology.


Description of different modules

In addition to the core P3.express methodology, there are several modules available to cater to specific project management needs. These modules offer additional tools and frameworks that can be integrated with the P3.express system, providing a more comprehensive approach to project management.

Overview of NUPP

One of the modules available is NUPP (Nearly Universal Principles of Projects), which provides a set of principles and guidelines that can be applied to various project management contexts. NUPP offers a universal framework that can be adapted to different industries, sectors, and project sizes, enhancing the versatility of the P3.express methodology.

Micro.P3.express for micro-projects

For smaller projects or micro-projects, there is the Micro.P3.express module. This module provides a tailored approach to project management that is specifically designed for projects with limited resources, shorter timelines, and smaller teams. It offers a simplified version of the P3.express methodology to suit the unique needs of micro-projects.

P5.express for portfolio management

Portfolio management is a complex aspect of project management that involves managing multiple projects within an organization. To address this need, the P5.express module focuses on portfolio management, providing a framework for prioritizing, monitoring, and controlling project portfolios. It allows organizations to optimize their project portfolios and align them with strategic objectives.

Style Guide

Guidelines for consistent style

To maintain consistency and coherence in the application of P3.express, a style guide is provided. The style guide outlines guidelines for presenting information, using terminology, and formatting documents. By adhering to the style guide, users can ensure that their project management materials align with the P3.express methodology and reflect a unified approach.

Maintaining the minimalist approach

The style guide emphasizes the importance of maintaining the minimalist approach of P3.express. It encourages users to focus on the essential elements of project management and avoid unnecessary complexity. By adhering to the minimalist approach, users can ensure that their project management practices remain practical and user-friendly.

Domain Transparency

Information about the domain

To maintain transparency and provide users with relevant information, P3.express offers domain transparency. This includes detailed information about the domain in which P3.express operates, including its purpose, origins, and stakeholders. Users can gain a deeper understanding of the context in which P3.express is applied and its alignment with industry standards and best practices.

Contact details of OMIMO

For any inquiries, questions, or comments about P3.express, users can contact OMIMO, the organization behind this project. OMIMO provides a contact email address where users can reach out for support or additional information. This ensures that users have direct access to the resources and expertise they may need when working with P3.express.

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