Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Disclosure for Projects101 Academy

About Projects101 Academy:

Projects101 Academy is a team of experienced and certified project management professionals who have volunteered to dedicate their time to helping aspiring and mid-career project managers, including those working in the international development sector, develop their project management careers and attain relevant professional certifications, all for FREE.

Website Description:

Projects101 Academy empowers aspiring project managers with quality e-learning resources. The website offers free courses, resources, and support for individuals looking to enhance their project management skills and advance their careers.

Affiliate Disclosure:

On this website, we will occasionally evaluate or mention products and services. If we believe a product or service is good and the merchant selling it provides an affiliate programme, in that case, we have no problem referring others to it via an affiliate link(s). This means either the lead instructor or any contributor who may have included the affiliate link in question in their post or resource may receive a commission or other kind of income if the product or service being promoted is purchased through the said affiliate link.

Certain items and links to products or services are affiliate links, and any purchases you make may result in a commission for the owner associated with them. We may be paid to give honest opinions on products or services. You will not be charged any additional fees due to the purchase.

We mention these items and services because we believe in them and wish to assist you in improving how you manage projects. All affiliates on this website only endorse products or services that they truly believe will benefit you, but by doing so, I do not assume any legal liability.

To make things easier, assume that any links to products or services may be affiliate links and that we may be compensated if you buy something.

Affiliate links are disclosed in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s standards.

Contact Information:

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us. Please send your feedback and comments by email:


All services provided by Projects 101 Academy are free of charge and are intended solely for educational and professional development purposes.

Last updated: August 29, 2023